Ways In Which Two Of The Following Reflected Tensions In Colonial Society

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EXAMPLE ESSAY, FRQ #1 Compare the ways in which TWO of the following reflected tensions in colonial society. During the settlement and development of North America, several rebellious events surfaced that reflected the tensions of colonial society. In the late seventeenth century, Bacon’s Rebellion and the Pueblo Revolt occurred, both exposing friction in colonial society. Despite the great geographic gap between the two events, the two events shared many similarities in the ways in which they showcased tensions in the colonies; however, the details concerning the ways in which such tensions were exposed do differ. Both events were revolts against authority by subordinate peoples although the backgrounds of people in each situation differ. …show more content…

In this way, the revolts showcase the tensions between different classes. However, the backgrounds of the different classes in each situation were different. In the Pueblo Revolt of 1680, Pueblo Native Americans revolted against their Spanish conquers, displaying the tensions between the ruling class and the subordinate class. Likewise, in Bacon’s Rebellion in 1676, unruly frontiersmen rebelled against the wealthy governor William Berkeley, showing friction between impoverished frontiersmen and the wealthy, plantation-owning gentry. In both instances, the lower class initiated the uprisings because of their discontent with those who governed them. It is important to note, though, that in the Pueblo Revolt the tensions were between people indigenous to the land and those who came to colonize the land whereas in Bacon’s Rebellion the tensions were mostly between colonists. Both events were struggles between those who govern and their subordinates, but the backgrounds and precursors to these instances of friction …show more content…

At the roots of both events, there was a sense of fiery resentment towards those in positions of power. Both events seemed to require one major leader to throw kerosene on already burning passions, so as to transform ill sentiment into fierce, coordinated efforts of revolt. Some historians believe that Native American Leader Pope was the driving force behind the Pueblo Revolt as he connected several factions of Natives for the purposed of the revolt. In Bacon’s Rebellion, Nathaniel Bacon acted as the spearhead and impetus for revolt. The leaders of both movements seemed to have ignited smoldering resentments that had long been present in the colonial settlements. Both Pope and Nathaniel Bacon represented how underlying friction in the colonies had the potential to become major revolts if placed in the hands of a convinced leader. Their leadership also displays how factions of people sharing similar resentments in the colonies were often not unified, but if they were to become unified they would be extremely