
We Are Going By Oodgeroo Noonuccal

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We are going by Oodgeroo Noonuccal Identity is a sense of who we are, and our cultural heritage represents our pride, our values, and backgrounds. Oodgeroo Noonuccal was an Aboriginal Australian poet. She was the first Aboriginal Australian to publish a book of poetry. She used her poetry to raise awareness about the experiences of Aboriginal culture and celebrate it. One of the poems she wrote was “We are Going.” The poem is about how the Australian and Aboriginal land got stolen by the white people. They express their loss and talk about the lack of power they had against the newcomers. “We are Going” investigates the perspective of themselves. Within that, the tone change gives away how deeply Oodgeroo wanted the reader to understand the …show more content…

It also portrays the connection to their cultural heritage as pride as that is how they see their culture and themselves. “We are Going” explores the importance of cultural identity [explain quickly why it’s important] and the perspective of how we see ourselves. Oodgeroo writes, “We are,” and this repetition emphasises the connection between the people and their culture. “We are the old ceremonies… We are the wonder tales of Dream Time… We are the past.” This is a metaphor saying, “Whatever is a part of our culture, is a part of our identity.” The “We” in the poem is inclusive language. This is a plural for the people who are portrayed as a group and not only focused on the author herself. Talk a bit more about how this example proves your thesis. In this poem it also talks about the white people and what they are like from the Aboriginal perspective. The example, “We are as the strangers here now, but the white tribe are the strangers, “shows how much the environment of the Aboriginal people’s home has changed to meet the white people’s requirements. The land is no longer recognisable to them. As the home has changed, everything around their home would be gone plus the

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