We Are The Voices By Jim Papoulis: Song Analysis

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Contest Pieces

In choir we have been singing a variety of songs. Each song has it’s different tempo and lyrics. The songs “We Are the Voices”, “Whispering Pine”, and “Herbstlied” each are unique songs which are all different styles.

We sang “We Are the voices” by Jim Papoulis, edited by Sophia Miller and was copyrighted in 2014. This is a unique song as it has many quick changes of the tempo and the overall mood of the song. This song is interesting as it was originally written by students at a workshop at Queen’s City Choral Festival. They wrote the lyrics to express their inner voices and the emotions inside of us all. Also, the composer Jim Papoulis was an incredible man as he traveled around the world and listened to many different types of music and learned from all the places he journeyed. He uses these diverse cultures and puts it into all of his pieces. This song is my personal favorite as I enjoy this song through every key change and throughout all of the different tempo changes. …show more content…

Davenport, which is unique as the song sounds like a tree in nature. The tone of the song is relaxed and soft. The oo’s and ah’s mimic the sound of a tree brushing in the wind. The song is a love song, where the narrator of the song wants to find love and wonders when her love will appear. The composer Eugene Butler was an amazing man known for his composing of biblical pieces. He has composed over 750 pieces with more than 47 publishing houses. Copyrighted in 1979 it may have been influenced by the vietnam war which ended in 1975. This song was not my favorite song as the tempo was slow and the song did not have much tempo changes and repeated itself often. But, I also enjoyed the part of the song that gave the sound of the pine tree in the

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