
We Cant Wait Rhetorical Devices

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Martin Luther Kings introduction in "We Cant Wait" shows the reality of social life for blacks, revealing the hash truth, and then pushing the black community to rise up in nonviolent oppression. King uses to anecdote, didactic, and emotional appeal to strengthen the influence of his cause and combat the injustice this world has come to know. Martin Luther king uses anecdote in his writing to show how a brief story can be used to represent a greater meaning. By giving the short story of a small boy from Harlem and a girl from Birmingham, it reveals how although they might be thousands of miles apart, they are experiencing the same persecution and degradation because of their skin color. They both question "Why does misery constantly haunt the negro?" This leads to not only questioning the present situation of blacks in America, but the past that led to this segregation that is so deeply rooted in their country. Although they had heard that all their lives they were set free , neither child believed that this freedom equaled equality. By saying things such as "freedom had a dull ring" it implies …show more content…

In his narration he uses a prominent form of didactic to teach a moral lesson about inequality and the false freedom these blacks had which in the end inspired these blacks to unite as one body. By using a short story to connect with the audience, he is able to also connect deeper levels by drawing parallels from the story and our daily lives. As the children" took a firm, forward step", Martin Luther k was alluding to the idea that black society should also take an important step, a step towards unity and equality. Once these children took a step in the story, it "rocked the richest, most powerful nation to its foundations". this is just another way martin illustrated to powerful effects of fighting for your freedom, and for your

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