Wealth And Happiness In Voltaire's Candide

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The novel Candide, written by Voltaire, portrays the adventures and experiences of the main character named Candide. Being a very honest man, a character like Candide can be easily swayed and convinced to do and believe anything. From carelessness to greed, the reader can clearly understand that Voltaire ridicules many decisions and situations that occur in the novel. One of many themes Voltaire mocks in the novel would be how greed can result from wealth. What Voltaire is ultimately conveying to the reader is that money cannot buy happiness. Raised in Westphalia, Candide was surrounded by greed and his life was ultimately affected by strength and wealth. The phrase “everything is for the best,” taught by Master Pangloss, clouds Candide’s judgement and makes him careless. What Master Pangloss was trying to teach Candide was that with every cause there is an effect and that it is best of all possible worlds. For example, Candide stumbled upon a utopian society called El Dorado which was literally a city of gold. What seemed like pebbles to the residents who lived there were actually gems and bits of gold to Candide. Wealth and money is seen everywhere. Once Candide visited the city he was not the same. Even though Pangloss's philosophy …show more content…

Candide's carelessness can also come from his love for Cunegonde, his lover. The reader may assume that Candide’s love for Cunegonde blinds his judgement and results irresponsible and inattentive behavior. “When a man is in love, is jealous, and has been flogged by the Inquisition, he becomes lost to all reflection” (Voltaire pg 22). What Voltaire was trying to say was that a man is not himself when he is in love or is jealous. All Candide wants is to return to his lover so he would do anything to see her again. This may fuel his carelessness and irresponsibility to lose his