Weird Sisters In Macbeth Essay

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The Weird Sisters play a pivotal role in Macbeth and this will be argued with reference to Macbeth as a whole, along with the fact that Macbeth’s ambition would not eventually have led him to some disastrous action had he not met The Witches.
In the beginning of the Macbeth, it is found that the Witches play a major role in both the events which take place throughout the play and in Macbeth’s life. This is portrayed by proving the Weird Sisters’ appearance in the first scene of Macbeth. The Witches set the dark-spirited mood of the play which indicates that they cause havoc and destruction throughout Macbeth. The Witches plan to meet Macbeth in order to misguide him and ultimately cause destruction in his life as they believe that “fair is foul and foul is fair” and find Macbeth to be an easy target and puppet for their evil shenanigans. They equivocate as a way of getting his attention and eventually win over his trust and hope in them.
Once Macbeth is given the idea that he will be King of Scotland, his noble conscience tells him that “if chance will have me king, chance may crown me without my stir”, however, external influences still tempt him to commit a most unforgiving sin- to murder …show more content…

Macbeth is remorseful and regrets committing the murders almost immediately after they have taken place. He believes that “all great Neptune’s ocean [could not] wash this blood clean from my hand but rather the multitudinous seas incarnadine”. This being a sign that Macbeth does not want to commit murder, but does so as he is under the influence of the Witches’ deceitful talk. Eventually, Macbeth begins to lose all trust in the people around him and although he does not fully trust the Weird Sisters, he is dependable on their fortune-telling as they are his last hope. Macbeth finds that in speaking to the Witches, “there is comfort” for his now blackened