Wellfleet Case Study

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Additional Risks Given Wellfleet’s New Focus
Since Wellfleet began to expand its business into investment banking arm, and it recruited seasoned relationship managers and an additional senior risk officer, whose actions would produce operational risk and interest rate risk.
Operational Risk
Operational risk is “the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events” (Basel 2001). Romania (2010) demonstrated that the main objective is to strengthen capacity of operations, take full use of resources, not to miss any opportunity and to obtain the best interests. It can be seen that operational risk is crucial to a bank or financial institutions. It has several influential …show more content…

So a higher interest rate is always implying a lower net interest income. The interest rate risk can be divided by refinancing risk and reinvestment risk. Refinancing risk is “the costs of rolling over funds or reborrowing funds will rise above the returns generated on investments” (Cornett, Lange & Saunders 2013). A downgraded bank usually pays for higher funding costs reducing returns on investments (Drehmann, Sorensen & Stringa 2008). The other classification, reinvestment risk means “the returns on funds to be reinvested will fall below the cost of funds” (Cornett, Lange & Saunders 2013). As discussed above about expansion to the investment banking business, Wellfleet can orchestrate syndicated loans and leveraged loans through its investment banking businesses, so that several banks together have the ability to take larger loans for profits with more currency than that of only one financial institution. But interests of the loans are possible to be lower than the funds reborrowed by Wellfleet, in which condition would lose money and this operation would be failed.
• Counterparty: Gatwick Gold Corporation (GGC) – a large gold producer
• The counterparty is rated 5B by Wellfleet’s internal rating model and credit committee. This translates to (Probability of Default) PD = 0.39% • Product Type: syndication. Wellfleet’s proposed margin is 4.25% (425basis points) for the first half year and 5.25% (525bp) for the left, plus an upfront fee of 0.3% (30bp) flat.
• Major booking location is London, but the loan is to be issued to South Africa (in dollars) with a tenor of 1