Wells Fargo Balance Sheet

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Analyzing the Wells Fargo Balance Sheet The Wells Fargo Balance sheet appears to be rather broad in terms of composition, but compact in size. The balance sheet contains statements of assets, liabilities, and equity. The assets are what the business owns like cash, receivables, inventory, etc. Liabilities are the expenses (long-term debt, accounts payable, accrued expenses, income taxes payable, etc.) and equity which in this case are the shareholders’ equity (the amounts provided by the owners). This balance sheet offers a way to look inside the Wells Fargo bank and outline what it is really worth. It provides us all the information we need to have good knowledge about where we are putting our money and how we can benefit for trusting this bank. The Wells Fargo balance sheet includes numbers for the past 5 years with a clear positive trend in terms of growth. By just looking at the Wells Fargo balance sheet, we can conclude this is a big bank. The numbers are high compared to small banks or credit unions which are tipically banks with $10 billion or less in asset. The amount of cash they own, the amount of …show more content…

It lets me know where my money goes and the overall stability of the banks for future investments. But, it also makes me think that I should have a savings account with a small bank. The rates are set and the policies are standard. In most large banks, it may seem as though they aren’t that willing to work with you individually, compared to small banks but, due to the branch and corporation being so large the standard procedures must be in place in order to prevent any loopholes from being established and essential losing money due to being personable. Wells Fargo only offers 0.01% compounded daily interest rate on savings accounts, compared to a small financial institution such as Members Credit Union which offers 0.15% on savings

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