Were Watching God Speech

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Bond, Cynthia. “Language, Speech, and Difference in Their Eyes Were Watching God.” Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations: Zora Neale Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God- New Edition. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2008. 41-55. Print. Bond analyzes the language spoken throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God as appropriate and crucial to understanding Afro- American literature. Hurston’s language emphasizes the cultural tradition within the South. Not only does Hurston demonstrate black oral tradition, but she also utilizes southern dialect to critique a male dominated society. Hurston uses literary references, such as the pear tree to scrutinize her awakening self-love. These illustrations that occur on notable occasions …show more content…

"Naming and Power in Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God." Bloom’s Modern Critical Interpretations: Zora Neale Hurston's Their Eyes Were Watching God -New Edition. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2008. 57-69. Print. Throughout history, African Americans have known that “those who name also control and those who are named are subjugated” (57). In order to break away from this control, African Americans have renamed themselves as a symbol for freedom and self-discovery. Janie is a perfect example of a black woman who is oppressed by those who name her, but as she develops, she begins to rename herself. At an early age, Janie learns naming is used to show ownership. Nanny teaches Janie that naming is “bound within the white male power structure, and the most a black woman can hope for is to endure within them” (61). King affirms black women must persevere through their subjugation by white men. Nanny refers to black women as the mules of the world, which will identify Janie in her marriages until Joe dies. Janie’s arranged marriage by Nanny with Logan Killicks destroys her idea of marriage and reveals the power associated with names. Janie believes she breaks free from her mule role when she meets Joe Starks. However, Joe makes it known that he desires to have a big voice, though Janie recognizes his false sense of power. King exposes the oppression of women by investigating Joe and Janie’s relationship. When Janie delivers a speech …show more content…

“The Hierarchy Itself”: Hurston’s Their Eyes Were Watching God And The Sacrifice of Narrative Authority.” African American Review. 36.2 (2002): 181-193. Print. Simmons analyzes the complexities of hierarchy throughout Their Eyes Were Watching God. Hurston utilizes Janie to critique the domination of society based on gender and race, which she eventually empowers and finds herself. Janie’s second husband, Joe desires a big voice, which places too much power in his hands that is parallel to the oppressive authority whites have over blacks. As Joe becomes a successful leader, he and Janie’s wealth and materialism set them apart from the rest of the community. The people of Eatonville question Joe’s leadership, but do not challenge him like Janie does. Simmons claims Janie represents the oppression of not only black women, but also her community. As Janie gives Joe a glance of how he treats her, she opens a door to escape further abuse. Simmons expresses how the “traditional mode of authorship offers the potential of liberation for African American or for women” yet cannot sustain itself, but offers Hurston’s novel as a method of deliverance (187). Although Hurston realized Their Eyes would not be recognized right away, she hoped it would challenge male authority. Janie seeks a way out of subjection; therefore she is willing to compromise the unknown with Tea Cake. Janie sees Tea Cake as a protector and a provider, but soon realizes she cannot depend on him. Tea