Westward Expansion

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Students responded well to the bell ringer and were instantly engaged in the lesson and were able to make predictions about what the term manifest means based on the statements I provided.

The use of the painting helped students become familiar with the term Manifest Destiny. Students had a visual of the impact of Westward expansion, the new inventions, and the different people who were affected by Westward expansion. Students had opportunities to analyze and worked well in their groups to discuss and share their observations on the painting. Students were also able to make connections to Westward expansion and make predictions about the changes and consequences that Westward expansion brought.

The final activity which involved students answering an exit ticket, Does manifest Destiny still exist today allowed students to make connections to other areas of history. This helped with their …show more content…

More time in the lesson could of been spent building on the responses of the other students in the class.
I have learned about differentiation through this lesson. For my students of concern it was important for me to repeat directions and the definition of Manifest Destiny. It was also important for me to discuss what it meant to analyze and to write what we discussion about analyzing on the board so that students can refer to it, when analyzing the picture. The use of collaborative of learning groups also provided a support to the students of concern by allowing them to discuss, clarify ideas, and transfer knowledge from one group member to another.
After evaluating the evidence of students’ understanding from the group analysis, group discussion, whole group discussion, and exit ticket, I would summarize that students understand the term Manifest Destiny and how it relates to Westward