What Are Sergeants Major Activities In Controlling Stress During Missions

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Sergeants Major Activities in Controlling Stress during Missions
CSM Damyan Penevski
United States Army Sergeants Major Academy
Class 68
Mr. Thomas, SGM Acosta
September 28, 2017

Sergeants Major Activities in Controlling Stress during Missions
Master Resilience Training (MRT) aims to help soldiers be more resilient on the battlefield and beyond. MRT enables us to develop different competencies such as self-awareness, self-regulation, optimism, mental agility, strengths of character, and connection. Also, MRT trains us how to recognize thinking traps, activating events, and icebergs (personal beliefs and values) as well as how to deal with problem-solving, mental games, real-time resilience, and communication tools. The contribution …show more content…

Considering the modern realities and requirements of our army's senior noncommissioned officers and their successful integration into international and multinational formations in participation in and post-war zones, it is necessary to conduct training sessions for preparing adequate personnel training and forming command-leadership in each unit’s leaders. Peev (1993) stated that effective leaders are creative people who creatively approaching the tasks and are junior leaders like them. In this aspect, they are socially constructive for the relations in their subordinate team (Peev, …show more content…

The SGM's stressful work on building a team, forming and preparing, deploying, implementation of the mission, and returning home is a sign that he is highly prepared and useful for his commander in the complex situations that have occurred in the listed stages of the mission. Positive psychology and MRT are the keys to successful stress reduction or alleviation, and when SGMs skillfully uses those competencies and skills, they will be one of the most important components of the unit’s success.

Field Manual (FM) 22-51. (1991). Leaders' manual for combat stress control. Washington, Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Field Manual (FM) 22-51. (1994). Combat motivation: The behavior of soldiers in battle. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Karastoyanov, G. (1996). Stress and military environments. VIK St. George Pobedonosec. Sofia, Bulgaria.
Master Resilience Training. (2017). Comprehensive soldier & family fitness. Version 3.1 (Binder). United States Army Sergeants Major