What Are The Challenges Of Anglo Saxon Life

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Which challenges of the Anglo-Saxon life are represented by the monsters Beowulf face? It all started at Hrothgar’s Hall. His hall symbolizes his power and wealth. The men were there drunk, having a good time. Some men went home, others stayed at the hall and fell asleep. The time Beowulf was created, monsters were described as evil. Demons were also evil spirits. Death in this case was good, because Beowulf died an epic hero. He died saving Hrothgar, the town’s people, and the country. However his death was bad because Beowulf thought the Geats could not survive without him. That is where Wiglaf and his loyalty come in. When Beowulf was fighting the dragon e told all his warriors to get out the cave, because he did not want his warriors to see him get killed. So they all left except one warrior… Wiglaf. Wiglaf honored and showed loyalty to Beowulf. Wiglaf also helped Beowulf fight the dragon. So when Beowulf stabbed the dragon and killed it and the dragon clawed his neck, right before Beowulf dies he gives Wiglaf his chain and sword to lead the Geats. …show more content…

Beowulf did not deserve to die because he was strong,loyal, honest, and never drank. Therefore all good must come to an end.
What are the universal theme in Beowulf? The main themes in Beowulf are courage/insight, triumph/riches, good/evil. You have to have courage in yourself, even if you are or think you are mentally ill. Be successful in life and one day riches will come your way. Always do good and evil will stay