Challenges that international students face when coming to the U.S. and how to overcome them When coming to study to the US, international students face various types of challenges; Such as improving vocabulary words in English; Also, to be able to get used to the conversation and social habits (culture); and at last, learn to be independent in aspects like food, living, and more. There are various ways to adapt to a new environment, and just like anywhere else, the United States have a great number of cultural differences when comparing and contrasting with the rest of the word. For me, as a Spanish speaker some worlds seem to be the same; but, when words become sentences and sentences become interactions it is very difficult to just use the academic grammar learned in the classroom. I consider that learning a new language at the classroom in a country with a different native language, and learning it at the language original provenience place are two very different circumstances. International students that come to North America for the first time face these and many other circumstances. Challenge #1: improving vocabulary words in English When I completed my first semester I realized one thing, I needed to improve my vocabulary. Comparing it to my native language vocabulary I felt like a 10 year old with all of the worlds I did not know. For …show more content…
At the beginning it is very complicated to hear and understand everything around you, it took me a lot of practice in both sides (listening and speaking) so that I could be efficient in conversing with Americans. “You are more likely to become distracted if you are overloaded. This will happen if you try to listen for every detail. If you are having difficulty, don’t panic, just relax and try to get the main ideas. If you don’t get the main idea of a lecture, the details will not be very useful. The same is true of a