What Are The Deaths Of Achilles And The Punisher Rhetorical Analysis

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Life is a curious thing. No one knows exactly where it comes from, and there are many theories and beliefs on the origins of that which animates us all and gives us the experiences we all hold dear. The beauty of nature, the laughter of a child, the warm embrace of a mother, is what connects us all and is the experience that life gives us. But death seems to act as a “reclaimer” for that force, returning it back to where it once came. And in life, it is impossible to not miss those things that once gave us joy, to desire to be loved by a passed family member, or to simply say things you wish you never said. But when death comes early and unexpected, and the life is robbed immediately from those we love, whether it be a car accident, suicide, …show more content…

And sometimes that anger is so great, that it turns into rage, an emotion that blinds us and confuses us of all rational thought and actions, leading to deadly actions unto others. Achilles and The Punisher, were both robbed of their loved ones, and their experiences as warriors has allowed them to become easy killers, without remorse or regret, fueled by their rage ignited by the bloody murders of their loved ones, a rage that not only will destroy their enemies that will satisfy their thirst for revenge, but one that will destroy them as well. In order to correctly analyze what led these men to commit their actions that they committed, one must look at the life both lived, and how their psyche developed. Achilles, a prophesied warrior champion since his birth, grew up in accordance with his destiny and was a prodigy at war and tactics. His cleverness, quickness, and great strength, one that stems from his lineage and ancestry, a precursor being Hercules, is an attribute of the Gods’ themselves. Since he was young, he excelled in many events as a child and won them without any challenge at all. It was in one of these events in which he first came in contact with Patroclus. Menoetius, King of Opus and Patroclus’ father, organized a great tournament in which nobles from Thessaly and Sparta …show more content…

He isn't a hero or a villain, like Achilles, but rather an Anti-Hero because his motives follow good intentions but his methods are questionable. His history follows the path of an average man growing up with a family in modern society, except he is a heavily decorated war veteran, his most notable achievement being The Silver Star Medal, second only to the highly prestigious Medal of Honor. Following his service, he continued the path of a law enforcer, becoming an FBI agent, which exposed him to several different criminals with different mentalities and crimes ranging from murders to deranged crazy people, which could possibly affect his mental state and traumatize him. During his service in the Afghan war, he witnessed many deaths of his on both sides of the war. This is important because this can be evidence for as to why he has psychopathic tendencies, which include the unempathetic, mass murdering of criminals, while he believes he is doing the right thing. This can lead to several explanations for a number of mental diseases he may suffer from following these traumatic events. However, many of his other actions are contrary to the definitions and symptoms which define a psychopath, sociopath, and a person who has post-traumatic stress disorder. First of all, he can not be a psychopath, because he clearly has empathy, something that psychopaths do

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