What Are The Differences Between The Outsiders Movie And Book

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The Outsiders is a book by S.E Hinton about two social classes called the Soc’s and the Greasers. The Soc’s are wealthy and powerful people with a lust for power and give no sympathy to anyone, not even another Soc. Greasers are the lower class and are viewed as being thugs and horrible people. Most Greasers care for both themselves and others that are Greasers. The Outsiders have both a book and a movie. In the book and movie, they both contain the characters saying some of the same lines. Dialogue in both the movie and the book are the same. In both the movie and book Johnny was jumped and beaten up by Socs twice. The first being when he was attacked by Socs and beaten up so badly he almost died. The second being when him and Ponyboy