What Are The Factors That Led To The French And Indian War

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The events that led to the French war and Indian war consist of many factors. First, the argument of who got the Ohio River Valley. Second, the hassle of the French and Indians who both wanted different things. Third, the Iroquois Confederacy, which sed brain power instead of physical power to ignite the war. Next, the colonists starting to interfere with the war. Then, the battle at fort Necessity. And finally, the Albany Plan of Union being disscused. In summary, there were many components that which led to the French and Indian War. Two different groups of people wanted the territory of the Ohio river valley, the French and the British. While the french thought this territory was theirs, the british colonists also wanted the territory to …show more content…

Eventually the french even got most of the native Americans to change their religion to catholicism. There was this group of Indians called the Iroquois Confederacy, this was a group which didn’t side with the French or the British, they stayed an independent group. The group consisted of the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, and Oneida, after these groups many more tribes started joining the confederacy. The Iroquois Confederacy thought smarter and set up a war in which they got the French and the British to fight against each other. This war allowed the confederacy to dominate the great lakes region. Eventually, the british moved into the Ohio River Valley and caused the Iroquois Confederacy to upset the french and British …show more content…

He was more prepared this time because he had brought a group of 150 civilians, or a militia. The militia was ordered to build a fort, where present-day Pittsburgh is located, but when they arrived they found the french already in the process of building a fort in the same location. A smaller, weaker fort was built nearby by Washington called Fort Necessity. Thinking impulsive, Washington sent his militia to try and beat the French although they were greatly outnumbered. Predictably, Washington’s troop was forced to surrender leaving the French with a victory. Although the troop lost, for some reason the colonists still looked up to Washington as a hero, who was defeated at Fort Necessity and started the war with the French. In the meantime, in Albany, New York, The Albany Plan of Union was being discussed. The Albany Plan of Union could be described as a defence mechanism against the French. Basically, a couple of colonies came together and decided the needed a way to keep them safe in the war. The representatives chose Benjamin Franklin’s idea for the Albany Plan of Union. Unfortunately not a single colony accepted the plan and Franklin’s idea failed. This really was the spark of the French and Indian