What Are The Key Pieces Of Evidence Used To Support The Future Of The Universe

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The Big Bang Introduction The Big Bang Theory is the most widely accepted theory for the formation of the universe. Supported by four main pieces of evidence, overall, its predictions have proven more accurate than any other universe model so far. Evidence for an expanding universe, the CMB, element and isotope ratios, and the nature of large scale structures in the universe all support the theory. The purpose of this research is to investigate and explain the key pieces of evidence used to support the Big Bang Theory, in addition to considering the predictions that it makes about the future of the universe, and considering other models for the universe. It is important to note that the Big Bang Theory as of yet has little scientific reasoning behind the event itself, or what happened in the pre-plank time (this would require a unified theory of quantum mechanics and …show more content…

it does not vary significantly with time. The latter was initially challenged by Alexander Freidmann in his equations derived from Einstein’s theory of general relativity (Einstein himself added a constant to his equations to force a steady-state model to the universe) (Reinfeld, 2005; Big Bang, n.d.; Rhee, 2013). The Freidmann equations showed that the theory of general relativity implied an expanding universe (Big Bang, n.d.). While at the time of the publication of the theory of general relativity it was still believed that the sun was the centre of the universe, observations by Shapley, Harlow and Leavitt in 1918 showed that the sun was in the outer regions of the Milky Way, and in 1923, Hubble observed that the Milky Way was one of many galaxies in the universe (Reinfeld, 2005). These initial predictions and observations sparked a paradigm shift from the Copernican model to the theory of the Big Bang, first proposed by Georges Lemaitre in

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