Northeast Los Angeles Gentrification In Comparative And Historical Context By Jan Lin

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Picture a family who lives in a two-bedroom apartment, which is located in Highland Park, a fairly affordable neighborhood within Los Angeles, California. Within Highland Park, the family enjoys eating at local eateries at some of the neighborhood’s local businesses. As years go by, they begin to notice a large majority of local businesses around their neighborhood beginning to be closed down. New trendy businesses begin opening up around town, which attracts Hipsters, who are individuals who follow the latest trends to come into the area. Jan Lin, author of “Northeast Los Angeles Gentrification in Comparative and Historical Context” describes Highland Park as an upcoming neighborhood, where the area attracts new homebuyers to its character …show more content…

Hector Tobar exclaims, “Yes, gentrification is something we smart and cultured people are supposed to denounce as an insidious force”. As Tobar explains, the long-time residents of Highland Park need to understand the process of gentrification is to improve its city. Many residents believe the misconception that most of the newcomers of Highland Park want to drive out all the people, who are not like them. Geoffrey DeVerteuil, author of “"Resisting Gentrification-Induced Displacement: Advantages and Disadvantages to 'Staying Put' among Non-Profit Social Services in London and Los Angeles" article, claims the working-class residents need to stand up for their rights as homeowners/tenants to ensure that they are not displaced to move to a more affordable neighborhood rather their current area. Based on this statement, working-class people in the town need to advocate their stance on residents being displaced from their homes. Additionally, it is obfuscating to say what people in the neighborhood council should present city officials to didactic to them that involuntary displacement can lead to an increase of homelessness. According to the Center for Disease Control, which Robert Garica and Tim Mok, authors of the Whitewashing the Los Angeles River?” use as a source in their article states, “Gentrification transformations of …show more content…

In addition, the character of Highland Park will most definitely never cease to exist because more people are coming into the neighborhood because it attracts their attention to live in the community. Gain a better understanding of the degree of gentrification within the neighborhood before making judgements against others coming into the community. Move passed the misconception of the matter rather than being narrow-minded. Highland Park’s City Hall should adopt the South Los Angeles Community Plan of 2014, “No Net Loss Programs”, which plans to minimize the displacement of residents within neighborhoods in Los Angeles. My audience should become aware of effects of gentrification has brought on many neighborhoods and try making a comprise with people of city hall to decrease the problem or have a neighborhood meeting to diminish the misconception. If my audience would choose to ignore my solutions about gentrification than they may encounter moving out of their neighborhoods or seeing their neighborhood alter slowly as time passes. Thus, gentrification works to improve and renovate a neighborhood, like Highland Park, which builds on improving the community’s economy, such as bringing in more people to help flourish the