What Are The Pros And Cons Of Gentrification Essay

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Gentrification has been fairly a new trend, it indicates the process of renewal, and it’s rebuilding which is associated with the overwhelming flow of middle-class or wealthy people into this deteriorating communities. Which often displace the poorer people of that community and resulting in an increase in property values. Gentrification is usually thought as being a positive economic development, but many is frowned upon by many as well as myself. This does start the renewal process that cleans up the community. Often than not, leads to the increase in sales in housing, taxes, and individuals rent. This usually means that the residents of that community can no longer afford to stay in their neighborhood, which is why gentrification can be looked at as negative. Gentrification …show more content…

Many ask, will the racial structure of Flint will it change its demographics which also includes number of the population, environment, and social organization. Will the ultimate goal become to gentrify the community of Flint? Within this paper we will look at gentrification and the pros and cons in the city of Flint. As Citizens of America we have lived through many of the redevelopment of buying of Flint’s homes and business and or having some homes picked up and moved to another area. Many people in Flint communities have struggled to maintain to keep procession of their homes which are mortgage free and feel comfortable living in for quite a while. Gentrification does impacted the lives of many people living in Flint communities. Those in the Flint communities low income housing and employment status have seen with their own eyes, that gentrification offers an extravagant living to the privileged few, while leaving Flint residents behind with nothing more than an end to their purchasing power. We look at the negative changes within the community and as well as the positive