What Are The Pros And Cons Of Employment-At-Will Doctrine?

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What are the pros and cons of employment-at-will doctrine?
In the United States, employment-at-will is one such concept, which has started traditionally governing employment in the nation by furnishing very minimum regulations while practicing employment. Not known to some people, employment-atwill is applied in many industries in the United States. But, a question might arise in our minds: “Are there any pros and cons of employment-at-will doctrine? If yes, then what are they?” This is actually an employment agreement, where there is an indefinite employment period, which can either be terminated by the employer itself, or the employee, for any kind of reason or even without reason. In this context, it can be clearly understood that employment-at-will can have relatively pros …show more content…

In simple terms, in the case of employment-at-will, the employer can fire the employee at any time, with or without any reason (Muhl, 2001). The employer can do so when he must have found some better option! In this case, it will be beneficial for the employer but non-beneficial for the employee. Similarly, in another case, if the employee finds a better option in any other company, he can instantly terminate their job under the employment-at-will doctrine, which can prove to be beneficial for the employee, but non-beneficial for the employer. Another major advantage of employment-at-will for the employers is that they can enjoy adept operations with a healthier bottom line of profitable revenue generation. But, how is it possible? In the case of contract-based employment, the employers have a great burden at the time of renewal of contracts, involving negotiations and court injunctions. But, in the case of employment-at-will, these
Page 7 burdens are eliminated which allows the employers to concentrate and focus on the daily operations; resulting in more revenue generation.
Within this context, employers at the employment-at-will doctrine are