What Are The Similarities Between Mark's Gospel And Lord Of The Flies

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Noelle Area
Miss Frederick
English 9
02 March 2023
Good vs Evil
Throughout history, people have debated if humans are good or evil. The morally good or evil nature of humanity is portrayed in different ways in both Mark's Gospel and William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies. Despite William Golding's assertion that people's need for order and control makes them inherently evil, it is critical to remember that Mark's Gospel says that people are good when they follow God. William Golding's novel Lord of the Flies suggests that all people are morally evil due to the desire for structure. When the boys meet to discuss the beast and their plan of action, Piggy asks, "What are we? Humans? Or animals? Or savages?" ( Golding 91) This illustrates how society can be negatively impacted by the absence of a structured system and lead to violent behavior, as the boys did. When the structure is lost, so is a civilization …show more content…

When the paralyzed man was brought to Jesus for healing, Jesus turned to the four men and "saw their faith," which healed the paralytic. (Mark 2:5) This demonstrates how the men put their friend first and made every effort to secure their friend's ability to receive healing from Jesus. The men's devotion to their friend allowed the paralyzed man to be made whole and able to walk. Jesus was inspired by the paralytic and the men carrying him's faith to heal the sick man. While Jesus was in the desert he notices the large crowd that has gathered to see Him, He remarks, "They were like sheep without a shepherd." (Mark 6:34) Humans were created in the image of God and are designed to follow Him. When in a relationship with God, people are good by nature. People who follow Jesus become morally righteous and act in accordance with his teachings. Humans were made to be good but have bad inclinations, one driving toward good and the other toward