
What Are The Similarities Between The Lottery And Young Goodman Brown

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In both stories "The Lottery" and Nathaniel Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" shows that different tone, setting and literary elements. "The Lottery" and Hawthorne's "Young Goodman Brown" are two short stories that use different ways to get to the same purpose, which would be a dark, disturbing place. Both stories are very dark, and sinister, but one story keeps the person who reads unaware to the tragic event that is being set up, while the other story lays it out very clearly and without a doubt for the reader to believe from the beginning. In “The Lottery,” Jackson demonstrates a feeling of harmony and easiness. It all start with a casual summer day of shopping. Jackson’s character gives the reader an unthinking, quiet, calming feeling. Jackson indirect hints, like when she tells of the town’s main gathering, where men are telling quiet jokes rather than being loud and laughing wildly. One example of this is when Mr. Summers says “Guess we better get started, get this over with so we can get back to work.” (Jackson, 1948) He seems to say this very indifferently. The lottery begins with an alphabetical turn over. For example, when the name Hutchinson is called, his wife, Mrs. Hutchinson says “Get up there, Bill.” The people near her laughed.” (Jackson, 1948) Overall, we see that “The Lottery” is careless about the sinister, and the grotesque …show more content…

As the two travelers part, and the elder traveler meets the old dame, strange escalates into supernatural. The old dame addresses the male traveler as “your worship,” and takes his staff which “perhaps assumes life.” As they keep on, the elder traveler, now evidently evil, encourages Goodman to go further down this path into truthful and spiritual darkness. Finally Goodman stops and refuses to go more into the darkness. This represents his resist for faith and against

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