What Are The Similarities Between The Lottery And The Hunger Games

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There are several aspects of plot development that were involved in the creation of both, “The Lottery,” and “The Hunger Games,”; some of which deem these The Lottery and The Hunger Games similar and others that distinguish one another different. When comparing both these works of art for similarities, it is apparent that many of their overall themes are similar. Both, The lottery and The Hunger Games involve an involuntary selection, that ultimately results in the suffering of those picked and death. These two works of art are, also, similar in the aspect that the people of the highest social class rarely suffer in result of these selections. Although, both The Lottery and The Hunger Games have more similarities than differences, one of the …show more content…

In the Lottery they go about picking their winner by having the village people randomly draw a piece of paper from a black box, that has been used for several decades, in The Hunger Games they make use of a similar system. In the Hunger Games they send Capitol representative to the different districts where they also select their participants for that years games’ through random selection from a bowl or they may, “Volunteer as tribute.” They do this in both The Lottery and The Hunger Games because it demonstrates a sense of fairness, so that it is not evident that a certain group of people are being benefitted by these misfortunes. These two plots are also similar in the fact that the results of both the games and the lottery is death or suffering. In the Hunger Games, all the participants chosen from each district are killed by one another until there is one person left standing; in the Lottery one person chooses the paper with the black dot and they have the misfortune of getting stoned by their friends and family. This is justified within the texts by stating that it is traditional and why change tradition; as well as whenever someone protests these traditions they are taken out, not longer causing a problem for the