
What Are The Social Changes Before The American Revolution

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Before the American Revolution, the United States was a group of colonies ruled by Britain. While they technically were citizens of the crown, colonists enjoyed relative freedom under the rule of salutary neglect, allowing them to virtually run their own affairs as long as they were profitable. But after a costly war with the French, Britain was out of money, and they began imposing new taxes on the colonists and ended their program of salutary neglect. This upset the colonists, leading to open rebellion and riots. The British response to this opposition only further fueled the colonists’ anger, leading to calls for independence, and eventually leading to the American Revolution. The colonies won the war, gaining independence from Britain, and beginning a series of societal changes. As a result of the Revolutionary War, the American economy changed, while the regional differences in the new nation, and its view of women and their role in society remained consistent. …show more content…

Before the American Revolution, the colonial economy was strong thanks to the profitable trading in the North and the strong agriculture system in the South. Colonies even had their own individual currency. During the Revolutionary War, however, extra money was printed to pay for the war, driving its value down so that by the time the Revolutionary War was over, the money had lost most of its value. The government also sold war bonds during the American Revolution,and did not have to money to reimburse buyers once the war was won. This led to a financial crisis which culminated in the formation of Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan and the creation of a national bank. The American Revolution decreased the value of American currency and virtually bankrupted the country through its

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