The Craft is a film directed by Andrew Fleming, released in 1996 the film follows Sarah Bailey who moved to Los Angeles and befriends a group of three girls called the “The Bitches of Eastwick’. Nancy Downs is a ‘lead’ girl in the group who lives in a mobile home with her mum and abusive step dad. All of the girls in the group form a coven, their first spells are to fix their main problem in life, the other girls are Bonnie Harper who has burn scars all over her back and upper arms and Rochelle Zimmerman who is getting bullied by her swimming team because of her race. The 90s as a whole was dominated by teen culture so witchcraft was dominated by teen culture as well, most beginner witchcraft books were written and designed for teens. Making witchcraft less intimidating to the general public, making it feel fun and relatable. The craft plays upon the idea that witches will be outsiders in their community and the stereotyping used in this movie is to point out and almost put you in their shoes on how and why all of these girls feel like outsiders. Nancy was portrayed as the most different to the other girls, she walked home alone and never invited them over till she had a house like her friends. …show more content…
Out of all of the girls in the main group Nancy is the only one that lives like this making a difference between her and the other girls. When Nancy's step dad dies of a heart attack because of Nancy using witchcraft, her and her mum get a life insurance payout, they spend it on a new apartment in the city and stuff they have wanted for