
What Can Be Seen In Source 1 Essay

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What can be seen in source 1 is a FaceBook status made by an adolescent, commenting on the actions of a 12 year old. “Saw sum litle 12year old reading in the|libary today,, … lol dum b*tch, why read when theres partyss to go to?” This status displays the expectations adolescents have today, and the discrimination made against other adolescents when they do not comply to such expectations.

While still referring to source 1; another negative impact of social media is cyberbullying. Many adolescents cyberbully because many forms of social media provide anonymity, lack of consequences and even social pressure. Adolescents believe that their actions are normal and socially acceptable. According to a survey, 81% of teenagers said that they believe others cyberbully because they think it’s funny. This can be supported by source 1 as we can see in the comments that the adolescents are making a joke out of the hate status by saying “she even had glasses lol” and “LOL whata nrd”.

On the other hand, social media can have positive impacts on the opinions/views of adolescents. Social media removes interaction/communication barriers which allows users to reflect, provide real life examples, develop a supportive stimulating community, form discussions that can lead to an increase in incidental learning …show more content…

The adolescent who created this post expresses their emotions and sympathy by saying “as a white person, i apologize”. Another adolescent responds to the post by saying “As a black person, I say that you don’t need to apologize” and continues to explain why the other adolescent should not have to apologise. We can see that the adolescents have a good understanding on how society functions and how they feel as an individual. This post demonstrates a community which supports and discusses personal emotions whilst considering the bigger

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