
What Did The Red Scare Symbolize In The Crucible

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During the Red Scare in the 20th century, there was mass hysteria. It was an era full of accusations and panic, much like "The Crucible" by Arthur Miller.
The Red Scare was essentially a bombardment of accusations. McCarthyism was abundant and people were accusing eachother of being communists, or "commies" in fear that was motivated by the war. Similiarly, during the Salem Witch Trials in "The Crucible", the townspeople began to accuse eachother of witchcraft. For example, Abigail claimed that Tituba was performing witchcraft, thus accusing her of a witch. Arthur Miller was accused ina similiar fashion for supposedly being an advocate of communism.
Panic, as well, was a prominent factor amid the hysteria. During the time of the Red Scare,
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