
What Does Bread Symbolize In The Book Thief

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“To there left, flames and burning books were cheered like heroes” (Zusak 113). In the book, The Book Thief, the burning of books represents symbolism. Symbolism is one of the key literary device that is displayed throughout the novel. Another example of symbolism in this book is the accordion that is played by Liesel’s father. The third example of symbolism illustrated throughout this book was bread. The Book Thief displays a plethora of symbolism, such as bread, the accordion, which her father played, and books, these can either represent emotions or thoughtful actions. The symbolism of books in the novel is displayed a numerous amount of times throughout the book. Books in The Book Thief are demonstrated as acts of rebellion against the Nazis. The Nazi’s believed, that in order to keep the citizens in the dark about the truth of society, they should control the amount of knowledge that is put into civilians’ heads. But, Liesel rebelled throughout the book with reading books and stealing them from the mayor’s house: “A necklace of sweat had formed around her throat. Beneath her shirt, a book was eating her up” (Zusak 122). This illustrates Liesel’s rebellion to the Nazi by taking the book from the book burning. If the Nazi found out that Liesel stole a book, they would, in a split second, kill her for rebelling …show more content…

Since this one of the most important items that belonged to Hans he would give it to someone he trusted to take care of it: “‘ Could you look after my accordion, Liesel?”’ (Zusak 424) Liesel was his daughter and was one of the most important people to him, so it would make sense if he were to leave his accordion, he would leave it with someone he trusts. To represent thoughtful actions the author chooses this moment to display an action of

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