
What Does It Mean To Be In Poverty Essay

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What does it truly mean to be in poverty? Kornblum & Julian (2009) define poverty as: “money to buy things that are considered necessary and desirable” (pg.193) Living in impoverished conditions not only can have a negative effect on hygiene and education but it can also take a toll on mental health and relationships between family members and others in the community. There are many different circumstances that may cause a person a find themselves in poverty. The different groups that some individuals belong to may be marginalized and they may find that they are not given the same opportunities as their counterparts because of the assumption that they are not worthy. For example, even to this day some women have lower paying jobs than males even when they are doing the same job. After trying the “Spent” interactive activity one begins to notice all the minor expenses from everyday life that can really start to pile up. This experience opened my eyes to the fact that those barely making ends meet have no time for themselves to go out with friends because they can barely afford and babysitter, and in some cases have to hide blunders or mistakes made at work in fear that they will be out of a job if caught. This lifestyle is in my opinion very stressful; and can lead …show more content…

Looking around when in middle school I noticed even at a young age how some of my cohorts didn’t even know how much money their parents made or how much they paid for the electric bill, while I on the other hand never stopped hearing how tight on money we were and that we wouldn’t be able to go on vacation during the summer. Most of the time I was under the impression that we were not as well off as those around me, this was not a good confidence booster even at the age of

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