
What Does It Mean To Be The Chief In Lord Of The Flies

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In the novel Lord of the Flies by William Golding is about how a group of boys landed on an empty island because of a plane crash, and two of the boys who crashed there were Ralph and Piggy. And the first thing they do is find a conch shell and blow it to call all the boys to have a meeting to decide a leader, and they ultimately decide on Ralph. But one boy named Jack did not agree and said he should be the chief, but Ralph lets him choose a group of hunters to control for food. but over time he only wants to hunt and kill instead of helping build and try to escape, another boy named Simon finds out that “The Beast” they have been scared of was just a dead parachute so he goes back to tell everyone else but when he walks out the forest the …show more content…

In the book The Beast is the reason for their civilization to fall big for three reasons, it made everyone very fearful,violent, and people fought which separated the boys from a group. One reason The Beast is responsible for the downfall of their civilization is that it made everyone very scared and fearful. My first piece of evidence happens when everyone is having their first meeting. A little boy with a birthmark says that there is a bestie in the woods and as he is telling everyone the narrator says ”There was no laughter at all now and more grave watching”(Golding 28). This shows us that people become scared of The Beast even the first time they hear it from someone. Another piece of evidence happens after a group of hunters with Ralph with them run out the forest thinking that The Beast was chasing them and after they get out Ralph says 'Course I'm frightened. Who wouldn't be?”(Golding …show more content…

This shows us that the boys were violent now that they didn’t even take a second to make sure that it was The Beast and they didn’t stop until they killed him. The second piece of evidence happens after they get done killing him and the narrator says “Softly, surrounded by a fringe of inquisitive bright creatures, itself a silver shape beneath the steadfast constellations, Simon's dead body moved out toward the open sea”(Golding 118). This shows us that they didn’t even care that much that they killed him and just left him to be taken by the sea and didn’t even bury him. My last reason supporting that The Beast is the at fault for the downfall of their civilization is that it made people not agree and not believe certain people which made the boys separate into different groups and the first piece of evidence happens during the first meeting when the little boy with the birthmark is telling everyone about the beastie and then Ralph and Jack step in to tell everyone that there is no beastie and the narrator says “but here and there among the little ones was the doubt that required more than rational assurance”(Golding

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