What Does Jem Learn In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Throughout the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem and Scout learn many life lessons. Jem and Scout mature and grow in the story as they learn not only about themselves but the town they live in. During one's childhood they can learn many life lessons that can impact them for years to come. This book is set in the 1930’s and in the Depression Era. Jem and Scout learn all the struggles people have in their lives as they interact with many of the people in this sad town. As the story goes on, they learn many lessons like, never judge a book by its cover, bad things happen but you have to work through it and courage always comes within. In the small town of Alabama, Maycomb has its ups and downs. This town comes with many horrible people but …show more content…

A story can never be all good, there always has to be some bad seeping into it. Another lesson Scout and Jem learn is that bad things will happen but they just have to deal with it. In the book, a man by the name of, Tom Robinson, came inside of a girl's fence to cut up a chiffarobe. It soon led to him being blamed for beated and raping her but in reality her father found out she liked the black man and beat her. This case was soon brought to case. Atticus Finch, the lawyer for Tom had to step up to the plate and deliver for a black man who could never win.The bad thing in this situation is this girl got raped by her father with clear evidence but Tom still is guilty. Atticus had to deal with so much name calling from his family and his town. Atticus explains to Jem, “There's a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep em’ away from you. That's never possible” (Lee 223). Atticus had to take a bad thing and try to make it good, and with much effort he failed. He showed strength to his children that he could defend a black man in court. Jem and Scout have a very nice and courteous neighbor, Mrs. Maudie. She shows how strong she is when her burns to the ground. Her whole life was her beautiful growing garden. Once her house burns to the ground she shows no fear or sadness. She later tells them that she is happy her house caught fire because now she can have a bigger and better …show more content…

As children grow and develop they mature over time. Int the book, Scout realizes what real courage is when her father shoots Tim Johnson,a rabid dog. Scout used to be ashamed and embarrassed of her father until one day it came down to him shooting this dog. This shows that courage is more than just doing something impressive. Not only is shooting the rabid dog, Mrs. Dubose is also courageous. Mrs. Dubose, a cranky old woman that lives close to the Finches. One day she called Atticus a name for defending Tom in court and Jem got furious and cut up her bushes. Atticus finding out, made Jem go to her house everyday and read to her. Jem would go to her house every day dreading and hating reading to this morphine addict. She is a morphine addict but wants to distract herself from it so this is the reason why Jem reads to her. Mrs. Dubose wanted to die in peace and it was courageous for her to quit the morphine. This shows the children what real courage is. Atticus says to them, “I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a am with a gun in his hand. Its when you know you're licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what” (Lee 149). Atticus says this to explain that a man with a gun doesn't make him courageous a woman with a goal in her life is. This is when Scout finally realizes what courage