
What Does Jem Learn In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Everybody is always learning new lessons from their mistakes, whether is just a child or an adult, life always gives people new situations to learn from. The main characters of Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Jem and Scout Finch, are always learning new lessons either about themselves of about what is around them. They grow and mature throughout the novel and they learn several life lessons that will help them become respectable citizens. Some of those lessons include those about think and rationalize before using violence , respecting other people’s property , and judging others. First of all, Scout is feisty and picks up a fight for any reason, but in the end, she learns to think before she jumps into a fight. For instance, at …show more content…

In particular, Mrs. Dubose was an old lady from their neighborhood, but she was rude subsequently, Jem and Scout were scared of her. One day, she makes a rude comment about Atticus and Jem loses his head, when the kids were walking back home, Jem “ran flailing wildly up the steps into Mrs. Dubose’s front yard… He did not begin to calm down until he had cut the tops of every camellia bush Mrs. Dubose owned”(Lee 137). Jem is hurt by Mrs. Dubose’s comments therefore he thinks it is pertinent to destroy her garden. However, Jem learned that all his actions have repercussions. Naturally, his father Atticus is disappointed in him and sends him to apologize to Mrs. Dubose. After he comes back from apologizing, he tells Atticus “‘Yes sir. She wants me to come every afternoon after school hours and Saturdays to read to her out loud for two hours. Atticus, do I have to?’ ’Certainly’ ’But she wants me to do it for a month.’ ‘Then you’ll do it for a month.’ “(Lee 140). Jem and Scout are afraid of Mrs. Dubose and they think she is aggressive. This is a good way for Atticus to teach Jem it is wrong to act that way and that he has to respect private property. Jem learns several lessons throughout the book that will help him grow up and

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