What Does Man's Search For Meaning Mean

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Have you ever thought about what it would be like to walk through the freezing cold with shoes 2 sizes too small, hardly any meat on your bones, and the chances of getting whipped? Me neither, not until I read Viktor E. Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning. But aside from feeling sorry for these people (which you can’t help but do) Frankl helped me, the reader, to understand life of a concentration camper from a different perspective; one from a sense of hope and meaning. Viktor Frankl recounts his time in concentration camps from a different point of view – a psychiatrist’s; this gives new insight that we’d never think about otherwise. Frankl’s approach, logotherapy, helps us journey with him as we search for his and our own meaning of life. But is there a true, single meaning of life? I began reading this book with an open mind and wonder. Frankl’s faith while in the concentration camp caught my attention as well as how he cared for everyone around him. I’m a very analytical person, so as he analyzed the state of mind of the other campers I was intrigued. I, myself, believe that we each have our own meaning for life; our …show more content…

I was met with the question why does God allow this suffering to happen. Being a Christian has helped me in more ways than I can count while taking this journey through life. I agree with Frankl in that those of us who have any religious belief are able to understand life on another level. I believe that Jesus suffered on the cross for us, to save us of our sins. Therefore, in order to live a life like Jesus we must suffer too. Through our suffering we become closer to God and He, in turns, relieves us of our suffering through showing us meaning. Jesus died for us, that was his meaning. No one wants to die for nothing. We all want to leave something behind, a legacy if you will. So is the meaning of life found in our