What Does Personal Making Present Mean To You Essay

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Personal making present, means “to be aware of a thing of a being means . . . to experience it as a whole and yet at the same time without reduction or abstraction, in all its concreteness” (Stewart, 71). Personal making present means to see someone as their true self, which is different than oneself. They are their own unique being. When making a person present one is seeing someone else for who they are, a whole person that deserves to be heard. Others are accepted for who they are and are shown so through genuine. One feels welcomed and through this honest dialogue both parties are able to freely express themselves and learn from one another about the type of person they are, along with the way they interpret the world around them. When someone makes the other present they see them as a human being and treat them as such. Open and effective communication takes place, which allows deep relations to form and grow. As well, …show more content…

Before Valjean rescues Cosette she is unable to connect with anyone and have a meaningful relationship, or life for that matter. Similarly, Valjean is always on the run, thus reduces his opportunity to form deep relationships. When apart Valjean and Cosette live pretty lonely lives, but together they give each other meaning. Again, “life is about making connections, more importantly, a deep connection with people; otherwise, we do not know what it means to be human” (Scott, 8). Valjean and Cosette, both look forward to the hour of each day they get to spend together. “When she entered the old place, she filled it with paradise. Jean Valjean baked in her presence and felt his own happiness increase by reason of the happiness he conferred on Cosette…Even Cosette’s countenance had, in a measure changed. The gloomy cast had disappeared” (Hugo, 332-333). Their connection with each other makes them human, happy, and gives their life