Steam Locomotive The inventions of Steam Locomotive made the world a smaller place. Steam Locomotive was invented by George Stephenson and Richard Trevithick. Richard Trevithick was originally person behind the invention Locomotive. Stephenson followed through the Trevithick idea and gave locomotive a whole new perspective. The invention of Steam Locomotive made people life easier, faster and mainly better. So knowing a little history about the Steam Locomotive, the question now is what is the Steam Locomotive and what does it really do. A Steam Locomotive is a railroad locomotive that uses steam engine to produces its pulling power. In order to use the locomotive, it had to have stream which was produces by burning coal, wood or oil. Since …show more content…
Trevithick was born on 1771 in a small village in Cornwall, England. When he was young he wasn’t one of versatile type of kid but his passion and love of machines led to one of his invention, Steam Locomotive. The locomotive idea came to him when he was working at Wheal treasury mine as a Steam engine repairman. When he finally developed his first Steam Locomotive called “Puffing Devil”, him and his 7 best friends were the first once to test it out. At the same time, James Watt’s steam engine was at attention. The steam engine and locomotive were being compared to each other just because they both used steam as their main power. Although the Steam Locomotive as twice as dangerous than the steam engine, it can be used it many different jobs and places. Steam Locomotive unlike the steam engine used high pressured Steam which made it more dangerous than the Steam …show more content…
“Christian Wolmar in his book The Great Railway Revolution suggests that Stephenson, who had a talent for improving other people’s ideas, was not so much the father of the railways as their midwife.” That is saying that George Stephenson had a talent in improving on other peoples’ idea or invention. When he was young he never went to school, but he taught himself how to read and write when he was 18. Knowing that reading and writing wasn’t enough, he had a math tutor that taught him basics of arithmetic. With the help of that, in 1814 he created a locomotive and named it The Blucher to honor a Prussian General, For the Bluchers first trip, it pulled eight cart that weighed around 30 tons at about 4 miles per hour. After couple trips, George improved the engine’s steam system in order to enable a greater pulling power so it can move faster and can carry more weight than ever before. The railway track was still a major problem that he had to overcome. After few experiment, he invented a completely new railway track that was cause less friction and could carry the weight of the Steam Locomotive. After everything was successfully completed, he built more Steam Locomotive for Killing worth and many other