What Does The Scriptures Teach About Immortality Of The Soul?

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What do the scriptures teach about immortality of the soul? I believe the bible teaches that our soul is the only part of us that does not die. It lives forever. Where we place our trust is important here. If we place our trust in Jesus and we live for Him then our soul will go to Heaven but if we do not believe then our soul will be sent to hell where you will love in absolute misery. Our bodies will die and decay but the soul will not. Everything on earth in mortal. The only thing that is not is our soul. (1 Corinthians 15:53) (Romans 1:23) (1 Timothy 1:17) What will be done to the lost at their death? I believe that when we die every single one of us will face judgement. When you are saved though you will enter into the kingdom of heaven …show more content…

I believe the rapture is when God will take all believers from the earth in order to make way for His judgment on the earth during the period of tribulation. The word rapture is not stated in the bible but it means to be carried off. I think he will take all of the believers those still on earth and those already in Heaven and take us away from the terrible things of this earth. We will get spend eternity with Him and not have to go through so much pain and suffering. I believe we should all be looking forward to the rapture a time when we are finally completely free from sin and get to spend eternity with the savior. (1 Corinthians 15:50-54) (1 Thessalonians 4:17) (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18) What is the day of the Lord? I believe the day of the Lord speaks about the time God has for the purpose he has for us to be fulfilled. That it talks about any day when God intervenes to a step in make part of His plan happen. Some people think the day of the Lord with be longer than a day and others think it will be done in a short moment. I am not sure what my view is on the time but i do know that whatever God has plan is the way it will go. (Isaiah 2:12) (Joel 1:15) (Isaiah 7:18-25) What is the great tribulation? Is it possible to know when Jesus is coming back? I believe that no one knows when Jesus is coming back for sure. Lots of people think they can guess and try and figure out around when he will or stuff like that but no one knows except for the Lord Himself. I honestly have no idea when i think he is coming back but this broken world needs Jesus that is for sure. Jesus warns many will come and say they are Him but they are not do not be fooled. (Matthew 24:4-5) (Matthew 16:27) (Luke 21:34-36) What are the seventy weeks of

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