What Doesn T Xanax Be Used In Frankenstein?

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As many drugs are prescribed, only so many are abused causing physical and mental damage to one person. There are many drugs that rip people apart and make them someone whom they never were. Just as in Frankenstein, there is a monster in the eyes of many and a creation that one person worshipped. Almost as if Frankenstein needed the creation like a drug which later changed his future getting to his head .The actions soon taken can be described as uncontrollable according to the creation , “ I was like a wild beast that had broken the toils , destroying the objects that obstructed me and ranging through the wood with a stag-like swiftness” ( Shelley’s 5) . In this quote, the creation is obstructed feeling destroyed inside as if something can't …show more content…

As in Frankenstein the creation is undergoing a series of monster like actions and with Xanax users have trouble with speech ,keeping their balance at times , difficulty concentrating , depression , and suicidal ideation all come into play . Even though this drug is prescribed it is mostly abused by taking more dosage than given or consuming the drug when you should not be . Xanax is based on the chemical properties of alprazolam which was first released by UpJohn in 1981. At the time is was first given to calm panic disorders and within the first two years of its marketing Xanax became a blockbuster drug in the US. Xanax is a negative technological advancement which results in addiction , mental health problems , as well as death, to which anyone taking this medication needs to be aware of these …show more content…

As Xanax is a prescribed drug many people take more then what is originally intended . Because Xanax can cause a “High “ it is frequently abused but overdose complications usually result after taking many times the recommended dosage.An addiction occurs fast as many people get hooked to the drug according to the article “How is Xanax prescribed ,” they report “you are abusing Xanax if you are taking more Xanax than prescribed or taking it without a prescription”(2).The word abusing was carefully chosen to stress how addiction starts up and to know exactly when this starts to take over your life . As people are prescribed with Xanax when dealing with depression , anxiety , and panic disorders they are given a certain dosage to which over time is slowly reduced to make the complications not as severe . It is important to follow all the directions on your prescription label and to never use Xanax in larger amounts , or for longer than prescribed as it can later determine the drug being abused .Mental health problems are always people's number one concern . What they take , how they take it , curious as to how it will affect their body in the long run, will it cause physical or mental damage to which is later shown . Xanax does both physical and mental damage to one's body according to