What Happened To David Nesteby's Email Be Truthful?

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When using the rules of Grammar and Forensic Linguistics I was able to analyze the email that was sent by David Nesteby and found many grammatical errors. The email has many spelling inconsistencies; also found the email a bit confusing; and the email contains suspicion of whether or not he is truthful. As an informant, the person should be able to create an email/letter with good punctuation and good spelling. The person receiving the email should be able to read it without having trouble understanding the problem. When analyzing Mr. Nesteby’s email, I found 8 spelling errors. The information he gives seems like he leaves out important info. If a person makes a request, you want that person to receive full information on the situation because you want to maximize the possibility of being truthful. When Mr. Nesteby stated “It’s a long story” without giving out the actual story of why he is suspicious, makes him kind of suspicious. There are many signs of desperation as he talks about his aspiration to make money off his books when his grammar and spelling are very inconsistent. My concern with this email is that where is the backstory of how he thinks that his friend is the zodiac killer? This email is not very convincing, therefore I believe it is untruthful. …show more content…

This could be due to English not being a first language but it is hard to tell within an email or letter. He also has an inconsistency to give evidence on the case; he only states one form of evidence which is very vague. He suspects the killer to be his friend but then he states “I prove my POI is and was the infamous Zodiac”. It seems like he is holding a grudge, with the lack of evidence and the sure idea that his friend is the