What has been the impact of a globalising market economy? Globalisation is the removal of international boundaries to provide free movement and trade of goods, services and people. Globalisation can be seen as the development from individual states in to a national state. The impact of a global economy and world has enriched international relations, economically, socially and culturally. The effect of this exponential growth of a ‘national state,’ has resulted in the development of world commerce, progress of global knowledge, enhanced means of communication, travel and technology and the promotion of an internationalised culture. Globalisation today has been enhanced through neo-liberal policies, relatively cheaper travel and means of transport …show more content…
Secondly, the inevitable globalising market has impacted on, and been impacted by the changing improvements of technology, particularly over the last sixty years. Through such improvements, closer association between nations and states has become unavoidable, to some extent, as communication, transport and ability to gain information has become as tangible as ever. Furthermore the globalising market has caused a boom in the need, and quality of global education. Education today has become increasingly needed in order for countries to remain internationally relevant in the economy, as they now have enhanced competition. Lastly, the diminishment of international boundaries allows countries, cultures, languages and traditions to not be geographically inert. Cultures no longer have to be restricted within their boundaries, rather they have had the ability to be expressed and developed on an international level, and influenced by other cultures, exposing them to new ideas. Globalisation is somewhat inevitable, and will continue to be developed in the future. Global capitalism and the globalising market has and will continue to enrich …show more content…
It has impacted the way the economy functions, the education system, the quality of life. Globalisation of the market has been occurring for centuries, however, in the last 60 years has exponentially grown, and this will continue into the future. The consequences of a global market can be seen in a pessimistic light, mostly due to fear of change, however the benefits must be focused upon, as inevitably this is the future. Globalisation enriches cultures, improves education and enables countries to focus on their strengths, whilst assisting other countries to work to