
What I Learned About Myself Essay

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About five years ago I was barely an eighth-grader getting ready to be an incoming freshman at the high school. I came from a very small charter school named ‘Four Rivers Community School’ and the only people I knew were my peers that were with me in every class; almost like a family, we did every subject and activity together. I did not know anything about the future. I was only having fun and focusing on graduating from the charter school and going into my first freshman year along with more students from different schools. Now I am a freshman in college. What I learned about myself and how I am different are my ways of mentality, responsibility, and interests. Back when I did not know about what the future had for me and I was not worried about college, having a job, or other responsibilities . I was a rebel and was doing bad in school. I did not have a clue about my later on consequences. I had to stay after school every day to make sure that I would get my work done on time and not fail. Sometimes I would not stay only because I did not feel like it, that was a bad decision. I got used to the fact that I can leave whenever I wanted and nobody would tell me anything because it was high school and you chose if you wanted to do the work or not. Leading to this, I managed to not do well in my high school freshman class and failed the whole year. It then later affected the rest of my math credits throughout my high school career. My senior year came around and I only had
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