What Is Capital Punishment Revealed In Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange

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Older movies prisoners are portrayed marching around a gloomy, damp cell, wearing striped jumpsuits. That design changed in the 20th century from strips to the color orange jumpsuit. An orange jumpsuit is worn for obvious reasons to be seen clearly if anyone escape. Orange is bold color and makes a statement. This relates to a 1960’s book about prison, crime, justice and moral punishments in A Clockwork Orange written by Anthony Burgess. The population of inmates has significantly increased while the facilities and employees in prisons and jails are staying the same. Guards and employees are going on strikes because they are under tremendous stress with extremely long hours, due to the excessive amount of prisoners and lack of employment. Fast, the world today people are living longer with advanced technology, society still wants to travel fast. …show more content…

Or are some punishments unfair for the crime and need to increase the time of incarceration? Anthony Burgess addresses this in his book regarding the Ludovico Treatment. One advantage of this fictional treatment is it only takes a few weeks to strip away the inner criminal and keep the responsible citizen. The Ludovico Treatment also wants to stop the same people from returning to prison, it eventually just becomes a routine for some people. Is there an idea in A Clockwork Orange for a faster solution to stop the return of prisoners? Laws are created for the sole purpose of helping citizens and keeping safety among everyone, or are there still unjust laws? This relates to the book with government involvement of the prison system. The governor does just about anything to keep his numbers up before the elections start. Even though A Clockwork Orange is a fictional novel written in 1961, it reflects modern day issues regarding the return of the same people to prison and how powerful people are different in the court system in