What Is Charles Darwin's Theory Of Natural Selection

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Charles Darwin was a naturalist born in 1809. He set off on a five year voyage on a ship called the HMS beagle. On this voyage he collected several things including birds, fossils and plants. He went to many different places on this journey, but there were a few places that he took the most interest in. These places were the Galapagos Islands and also South America. In these places he discovered many different things. Some of these thing include the theory of evolution.

With Darwin’s theory of evolution he also made a theory of natural selection. Natural selection is the process where organisms adapt or evolve to survive their environment. Unlike sexual selection natural selection happens naturally without breeding. Darwin discovered this theory by observing the vast majority of finches, also known as Darwin’s finches, that he collected on his voyage. Darwin also observed that although these finches lived so close together all of them had different beaks and they also resembled the finches in …show more content…

Plants can have very large variations to help them survive in the wild also. A few examples may be thorns, like on a rose bush and various other plants that keep them from being eaten. Also there are a lot of plants with waxy leave to help them retain moisture in very dry environments. Another very good example are pine trees which over many years and generations have modified their leaves into needles allowing them to stay green all year round. A cactus is another great example of natural selection. Cactuses have many different characteristics. First, they actually can expand themselves to store water for time when there is not any water to be found. Cactuses also have very long and prickly needles to protect them from threats in their environment. There are plants that can live on the highest mountains, swamps deserts and even under water. Both fresh water and salt water. There adaptability is