What Is Gandhi's Acts Of Civil Disobedience

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Galearie Edison Mr. Bryant English III 9 December 2014 Mohandas Gandhi Gandhi is also known as Mahatma which Gandhi’s journey of civil disobedience and non-violence began after he came back to his homeland of India from South Africa in July of the year 1914 when he supported the Home Rule movement. Gandhi originally went to Africa on business with his job as a lawyer but instead Gandhi had found his calling both spiritually and politically. This led to many acts of non-violence and civil disobedience. Gandhi may have been small, frail and had a high pitched voiced but that didn’t stop him from leading Indians in their battle of independence. Mohandas Gandhi was a nonviolent activist whose acts of civil disobedience lead to the Indian independence …show more content…

However, a big difference is that Thoreau spent only one night in jail when Gandhi spent a total of 2,338 days in jail throughout his whole lifetime. Thoreau refused to pay his taxes as a protest against slavery and the Mexican war and therefore was arrested and spent a night in jail but was released because his aunt paid the tax for him against his wanting. Gandhi was arrested for things from failing to Transvaal, to participating in the ‘great march’, writing articles in a newspaper to refusing to leave Yervada and not complying with police. Both of these men stood up for what they believed in and got arrested for it but it didn’t change their mind …show more content…

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