
What Is Lueger Success For Better Conditions In Vienna

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Another Lueger success for better conditions in Vienna is taxes. The landlords, who were powerful under Lueger administration, were extremely poor with their housing and their incomes, therefore the council took over. As a result, rents were frozen and became meaningless. Before the war, working class in Vienna had to pay one quarter to one third of their income in rent for the property. But by 1923, they had to pay only eight percent. The drawback of low rent municipal housing resulted in high illness and mortality rates. The most common disease at that time was Tuberculosis, which was cross Europe known as Vienna’s Disease (Lovett, 2004, p.9). Not only housing incomes, also gasworks, waterworks, power stations, the brewery etc., were removed from private hands and transferred to the municipality. Moreover, he set up a special municipal bank to combat private Jewish banks (Znamenski, 2013, p. 139). That is to say that Lueger turned private businesses into municipal enterprises, which is why he could make the city of Vienna more beautiful and larger. The author Znamenski also stated that during the era when Lueger was …show more content…

Karl Lueger as a mayor understood that well, hence why there are so many theatres and many other cultural events in Vienna. He was a symbolic figure who fought for “little people”, therefore for some, he was a King of Vienna. But his concern about lower class led to improved living conditions mostly among working class, while on the other hand, he worsened for the elite. Lueger disabled elite to own private business, and by lowering the rent he brought disease into town. However, some of his achievements were beneficial for the common good, for example, water and power supply, as well as a hospital. His intention was to transform Vienna into a modern city, both simultaneously he improved conditions in both classes as

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