What Is Mr. Myers's Life In Harlem?

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In the chapters 8-12 Mr. Myers experienced and had figured out a lot of things. At the teenage period of his life span he wanted to see the world around him be a great beauty and the inspiration that guide him to like the poetry of Byron and Shelby. Mr. Myers had noticed the two had wanted things in Harlem to be a beauty just like he had. While chilling on the rooftops he would look down at the beauty of the awesome streets of Harlem. Harlem was a very rough place to live but they made it look good and very physical. As it states in Chapter 8 “I had traveled to other parts of New, York but my world was Harlem. Mr. Myers felt as if he had seen all his obstacles in his life in Harlem through his fresh eyes. Through chapters 10-12 it talked about