
What Is My Personal Philosophy Of Classroom Management

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Definition of Classroom Management Classroom management is a broad category that encompasses the type of environment in which students will be learning in, as well as the rules and procedures put in place for said students. It is important to note that classroom management does not equate to discipline, as that is considered to be behavior management. Effective classroom management will create an organized and structured environment that maximizes the amount of instructional time along with learning done by students. Through effective classroom management students will learn to be responsible, engaged, and productive within their classroom.
Personal Philosophy and Beliefs My personal philosophy of education focuses heavily on providing my students with a quality education through which they can learn how to think, not what to think. Students possess the ability to think critically through their natural intellect and it is important to help foster and advance this ability through their education. School should be an opportunity for students to grow in both the academic and social areas of their lives. Ideally, they will leave my classroom feeling well prepared for their future whether that be in the workforce, higher education, or simply as a general member of society.
I believe that …show more content…

Some instructional methods are: lectures and class discussions, didactic instruction, and coaching. Through didactic instruction I will present lessons to my students, and through coaching they will set goals for themselves and reflect on their learning. In order to assess my students I will give them both objective and essay exams. My reasoning for this is to provide my students with multiple different question formats to challenge them and increase their ability to recall important information. In doing so, they will be able to better express their knowledge and understanding to

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