The Radium Girls, written by Kate Moore, is about radium poisoning and its effects, starting in the progressive era. The author’s purpose of this book is to create awareness of the awful and preventable things that happen to people exposed to radiation. Kate Moore wanted readers to truly understand and honor what people, specifically women, had to go through. I chose this book because I am very interested in women’s rights and science, and this book has a mix of both. Kate Moore’s The Radium Girls is a shocking and eye-opening book that highlights the horrid effects of Radium during the progressive era. Author of The Radium Girls, Kate Moore, was the first person to write a book about the story of Radium Poisoning and the girls affected by …show more content…
‘The awfulest pain I ever saw anyone suffer.’” In this text, Moore describes the effects of radium on one of the affected girls. Instead of just describing her conditions, Moore uses positive words to describe Ella such as neat, pretty, and fashionable, and then quickly switches to negative words such as unrecognizable, black, suffered, awfulest, and horror. These were added by the author to create a more dramatic effect on Ella’s condition since Moore has a bias and wants to truly explain the struggles of the women. Another example is on page 155, “Some, insultingly, were offered only two-digit sums, such as, in one shocking case, $43.75 for a woman’s death.” By using words like insultingly and shocking, Moore is automatically making the companies look bad. Kate Moore’s The Radium Girls highlights the traumatic stories of the girls affected by radium poisoning and its awful effects in a shocking book. Moore tells the story of the strong women who suffered devastating deaths due to radiation and ignorant society. From The Radium Girls, I learned that people truly are selfish and will always think about money and themselves, even in extreme situations where it is killing