What Is Ripley's Role In Criminal Justice

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RIPLEY came to the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office for an interview voluntarily. RIPLEY was explained she did not have to answer any questions and was free to leave at any time. RIPLEY stated she understood and wanted to cooperate with law enforcement. RIPLEY stated she was able to cooperate with police since VIRGIL GLISSON was incarcerated. RIPLEY stated she was afraid to come forward in the past in fear of what VIRGIL GLISSON would do to her. RIPLEY stated she was living with GIDGYT (known to law enforcement as KAREN S. KNIGHT (GLISSON) F/W, DOB: 08/22/1974) since she was approximately 12 years old. RIPLEY stated she was sexually abused by her biological father, RICK RIPLEY, at the age of three years old. RIPLEY stated the sexual

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