The Lord Of The Flies By William Golding: Character Analysis

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In the book “the Lord of the Flies”, William Golding uses the characters Ralph, Piggy, and Jack to symbolize different features. Ralph symbolizes order and civilization. Piggy exemplifies intelligence and wisdom on how to survive. Jack signifies savagery and how the absence of order affects someone’s personality. Golding’s diction helps magnify the characteristics of each character and helps readers see all of the qualities being shown through their personalities. In this essay, I will explore how Golding used these three characters and symbols of good, evil and intelligence.

Ralph is chosen as the “leader of the pack” of boys when the plane crashes on a stranded island. A leader is someone who has the ability to take control and charge of a group. A leader is there to guide, manage, and provide assistance to a …show more content…

He leads the brutal slaughter of a pig—and then Simon. He fosters rebellion and chaos.He throws a spear at Ralph with "full intention” of trying to kill him, and then sends the minions after him to finish the job. Jack 's hunger for power suggests that savagery does not resemble anarchy so much as a dictatorship system of abuse and power. Jack shows a loss of innocence and a gain of violence. Jack is a jealous, violent individual who craves power and eventually usurps it from Ralph throughout the novel. He is also a skilled hunter who voices his displeasure about maintaining a signal fire, building shelters, and following rules. In conclusion, without rules or authority a person characteristics and qualities alter to the “savage within” that is awoken or “step up to the plate” to the responsibility and prioritize . Ralph ,Jack, and Piggy all either alter, prioritize, or brainstorm to survive. All of the human qualities that Golding uses paint a picture in the reader’s mind to make sure that the characters have a clear characteristics to get the point