What Is The Boxer At Rest Distinctively Visual Analysis Essay

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Through the Classical and Hellenistic period of Greek art and culture, many artists began to attempt at making art in which used organic shapes and human bodies. The Boxer at Rest is one of many sculptures created during the Hellenistic period by Apollonius. The sculpture is made of bronze and has carved in copper to shown the facial detail. This sculpture displays an ancient Greek boxer post boxing fight. You can tell the boxer just had a boxing match because of the damage he has received in his face. The sculptor makes it very clear that boxer has damage done to his face because of all the cut marks he has in his face. This is not a young boxer but a boxer which has been in the boxing game for a while. You can indicate he is has been in the boxing game for a while because of his facial structure and the bear he has grown. Even though he has most likely been boxing for most of his life, his body structure is very muscular and lean. This sculpture can show us the worth in which the Greek during the Hellenistic period valued their entertainment/sport as part of their culture. The inspiration of the Boxer at Rest came from the two statues of Herakles sculpted by Lysippos, which is supposed to show the attributes of virtue and strength. Boxing was …show more content…

There are no real horizontal or vertical lines in this sculpture. The most significant lines in this sculpture must be the way his back is set. The back being diagonal the way it is helps the audience assume his exhaustion, defeat, and you can only see his muscular back. His back being slanted the way it is really portraits the idea that the boxer just finished a match because how he is feeling. We can tell the way he is feeling by his facial reaction and the way his back is arched, showing he is worn-out. From the pose the sculpture is seating we can imply that the boxer is resting and waiting till he must fight

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